Wall Painting, St Chad's Church

Medieval Mural; Wall Painting Depicting The Text of The Lord’s Prayer; The Church of St Chad, Wishaw

The aim of this treatment was to save this wall painting as it was about to collapse due to extensive areas of delamination. It was imperative to structurally stabilise the whole mural taking an utmost care when treating fragile sections in order to prevent any further losses. After successful stabilisation and consolidation of fragile areas, careful cleaning of the surface was commenced. Cleaning was undertaken in stages to prevent any loss of fragile polychromy and to reveal as much of the original surface as possible. After a delicate and time-consuming cleaning, all areas of surviving polychromy were uncovered. As a result, it was possible to determine the missing text. It was, therefore, justifiable and ethically acceptable to in-paint the newly filled sections of the missing text in order to allow visitors to appreciate the full version of the Lord’s Prayer. The to the success of the conservation / restoration treatment undertaken by Mareva Conservation, the wall painting is preserved for future generations.


St Chad's Church, Wishaw

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Before treatment
After treatment